sábado, 2 de dezembro de 2023

GPT-4 excels beyond human researchers in writing scientific introduction sections

Expanding upon our prior discussion (please refer to the linked post above) regarding the ChatGPT-4 powered tool developed by researchers at Stanford University for scientific paper review, it's also important to highlight a recent study conducted by researchers in Denmark (Sikander et al., 2023). This study specifically focused on assessing ChatGPT-4's proficiency in crafting introduction sections. The conclusive results of the study indicated that “The majority of assessors preferred GPT-4 introductions"  

PS - Continuing the conversation on AI, it is noteworthy to mention that an article in The Economist's edition 'The World Ahead 2024' (pages 71-72), underscores that the expected impact of AI on employment is significantly less than initially envisioned. This challenges and dispels the notion of an impending jobmageddon "economists have become more optimistic. Recent studies have found that fewer workers are exposed to automation...New AI seems better at coding...low skilled jobs may be insulated"